Golden Bravery Medal Winners of the Aviation-Services
The dimensions of World War I were, regarding the length of
time and the number of engaged troops so large that it became
obvious that the Golden and the two Silver Bravery Medals were
not sufficient to honour all the heroic acts of the
non-commissioned personnel. To that end the Bronze Bravery Medal
was instituted on the 14th of February 1915 and finally the bars
for repeat awards (Wiederholungsspangen) on the 29th of November
1915. These bars, perhaps with the exception of the bars for
fourth awards, are common with silver or bronze bravery medals
but very rare for the Golden Bravery Medal. The reason was that,
on several occasions, it was ordered by the emperor that persons,
who had received the Golden Bravery Medal, should "as far as
possible" be employed in positions behind the front e.g.
training the troops to save their lives as an encouragement for
the people. Kaiser Karl added to this order on the 17th of July
1917 with "had to be employed in the rear under all
circumstances" but this was too difficult, especially as the
aviation troops would have been deprived of their best pilots and
so he was compelled to made an exception (2nd of August 1917) for
all flying personnel.
Another creation of Kaiser Karl was the introduction of a Bravery Medal for Officers on the 15th of September 1917. These medals, awarded in Silver or in Gold with a "K" from corresponding material fixed to the ribbon, did not attract any monthly pension. The greater number of the Golden Bravery Medals for Officers were awarded after the war from the Militär-Maria Theresien-Ordenskapitel - under special circumstances, from a legalistic point of view.
The following lists honour all these heroic men who performed their outstanding duty for their fatherland from their Fliegerkompanien (FliK) with the army as well as from the Seeflugstationen (SFS) of the navy, .
Winners of four Golden Bravery Medals (three bars on the ribbon):
NAME | RANK | UNIT | AWARD | publishing DATE | NOTES |
Arigi Julius | Feldwebel | FstArtRgt 1 att. FliK 6 | first | 26th August 1916 | 32 Victories |
Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 6 | second | 7th April 1917 | ||
Offiziersstellvertreter | FliK 6 | third | 26th August 1918 | ||
Offiziersstellvertreter | FliK 6 | fourth | 18th December 1918 | Died 1st August 1981 | |
Gruber Kurt | Zugsführer | FliK 1 | first | 26th August 1916 | |
Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 41 | second | 21st October 1918 | ||
Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 60 | third | 27th November 1918 | ||
Offiziersstellvertreter | FliK 60 | fourth | 18th January 1919 | Posthumous; KIA 4th April 1918. 11 Victories |
Winners of three Golden Bravery Medals (two bars on the ribbon):
NAME | RANK | UNIT | AWARD | publishing DATE | NOTES |
Bönsch Eugen | Korporal | FliK 51 | first | 30th May 1918 | Died 24th July 1951. 16 Victories |
Zugsführer | FliK 51 | second | 24th December 1918 | ||
Zugsführer | FliK 51 | third | 23rd July 1919 | ||
Fejes Stephan | Zugsführer | FliK 51 | first | 21st September 1918 | |
Feldwebel | FliK 51 | second | 9th April 1919 | ||
Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 51 | third | no official publication found | Awarded by Kaiser Karl in June 1918. 16 Victories | |
Hefty Friedrich | Stabsfeuerwerker | rtArtRgt 7 att. FliK 44 | first | 26th August 1918 | |
Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 42 | second | 24th December 1918 | ||
Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 42 | third | 3rd July 1920 | Died 20th January 1965. 5 Victories | |
Kiss Josef | Zugsführer | FliK 24 | first | 16th October 1916 | |
Feldwebel | FliK 16 | second | 26th January 1918 | ||
Stabsfeldwebel | InfRgt 72 att. FliK 55 | third | 26th August 1918 | KIA 24th May 1918; Second (and last) NCO promoted to officer (from Offiziersstellvertreter to Leutnant der Reserve) - posthumous! 19 Victories | |
Pichl Franz | See-Kadett | Seeflugstation Triest | first | 23rd July 1917 | |
See-Kadett | Seeflugstation Triest | second | 24th October 1917 | ||
See-Kadett | Seeflugstation Pola/Puntisella | third | 14th June 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 14th May 1918 |
Winners of two Golden Bravery Medals (one bar on the ribbon):
NAME | RANK | UNIT | AWARD | publishing DATE | NOTES |
Fritsch von Cronenwald Johann Ritter | See-Kadett | Seeflugstation Pola | first | 15th June 1915 | |
See-Fähnrich | Seeflugstation Durazzo | second | 11th September 1916 | Air crash as Fregattenleutnant 22nd April 1917 | |
Heinrich Reinhold | Feldwebel | FliK 15 | first | 22nd March 1919 | |
Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 15 | second | 31st May 1919 | ||
Kasza Alexander | Zugsführer | InfRgt 86 att. FliK 55 | first | 23rd October 1918 | |
Zugsführer | FliK 55 | second | 31st May 1919 | Died in February 1945 during air raid. 6 Victories | |
Kind Adolf | Zugsführer | FliK 21 | first | 17th November 1917 | |
Feldwebel | FliK 21 | second | 16th January 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 26th June 1917 | |
Klefácz Alexander | Ldst-Zugsführer | FliK 7 | first | 17th April 1918 | |
Feldwebel | FliK 59 | second | 24th December 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 25th March 1918 | |
Knötig Ferdinand | Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 11 | first | 2nd June 1917 | |
Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 11 | second | 28th March 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 23rd May 1917 | |
König Hugo | Zugsführer | FlugGeschwader I | first | 24th April 1918 | |
Feldwebel | FliK 51 | second | 15th November 1919 | Posthumous; KIA 18th June 1918 | |
Koudela Franz | Ldst-Feldwebel | FliK 26 | first | 31st August 1918 | |
Ldst-Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 26 | second | 25th June 1919 | Died 4th August 1971 | |
Kowalczik Julius | Zugsführer | FliK 24 | first | 16th January 1917 | |
Feldwebel | FliK 24 | second | 20th March 1918 | 5 Victories | |
Kunz Otto |
ZF- ElektroQuartierMeister |
Seeflugstation Pola/Puntisella | first | 16th October 1917 | |
ZF- ElektroQuartierMeister |
Seeflugstation Triest | second | 3rd December 1917 | ||
Kusterle Rudolf | Zugsführer | FeldArtRgt 28 att. FliK 46 | first | 9th April 1919 | |
Zugsführer | FliK 46 | second | 11th December 1902 | Posthumous; KIA 8th June 1918 | |
Risztics Johann | Feldwebel | FliK 42 | first | 26th March 1918 | |
Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 42 | second | 24th December 1918 | 7 Victories | |
Russ Gottfried | Feldwebel | FliK 7 | first | 22nd June 1916 | |
Offiziersstellvertreter | FliK 7 | second | 31st August 1918 | Died in an air crash Spring 1920 | |
Schwach Michael | Feldwebel | FliK 6 | first | 28th December 1918 | |
Feldwebel | FliK 6 | second | 11th December 1920 | Posthumous; KIA 7th July 1918 | |
Siegel Josef | Feuerwerker | FliK 15 | first | 4th June 1915 | |
Reserve- Offiziersstellvertreter |
FliK 6 | second | 2nd June 1917 | 6 Victories | |
Slanina Franz | Zugsführer | FliK 23 | first | 28th March 1918 | |
Feldwebel | FliK 23 | second | 22nd March 1919 | Posthumous; died in air crash 11th May 1918 | |
Telessy Lajos | Zugsführer | FliK 21 | first | 20th March 1918 | |
Feldwebel | FliK 9 | second | 31st May 1919 | Posthumous; died of wounds 10th June 1918 | |
Udvardy Ferdinand | Zugsführer | FliK 42 | first | 20th March 1918 | 8 Victories |
Zugsführer | FliK 42 | second | 9th April 1919 | ||
Urban Karl | Ldst-Feldwebel | FliK 10 | first | 10th April 1917 | |
Ldst-Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 14 | second | 22nd March 1919 | Posthumous; died in air crash 12th July 1918. 5 Victories | |
Wanneck Hans | Feuerwerker | FliK 11 | first | 18th October 1919 | |
Feuerwerker | FliK 11 | second | 9th July 1920 | "Nachträgliche Zuerkennung"; died in an air crash 29th August 1930 |
Winners of a Golden Bravery Medal:
NAME | RANK | UNIT | publishing DATE | NOTES |
Baier Josef | Zugsführer | FliK 35 | 24th August 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 23rd September 1917 |
Balzareno Karl | Feldwebel | FliK 51 | 22nd January 1919 | - |
Bangerl Josef | Feldwebel | FliK 46 | 28th February 1920 | Died at Traunkirchen on the 25th June 1967 |
Barth Karl | Feldwebel | FliK 3 | 7th April 1917 | - |
Bartha von Dalnokfalva Edgar | See-Kadett | SFS Durazzo | 17th October 1916 | Died in air crash 22nd June 1917 |
Bauer Ludwig | Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 3 | 18th September 1918 | - |
Bedö Karl | Zugsführer | FliK 24 | 26th August 1918 | Posthumous; died in air crash on the 21st March 1918 |
Behounek Alfons | Feldwebel | FliK 55 | 11th January 1919 | Posthumous; died in air crash on the 22nd May 1918 |
Beilner Karl | Zugsführer | FliK 35 | 21st September 1918 | - |
Benko Karl | Feldwebel | FliK 28 | 26th August 1918 | - |
Bösch Eugen | Zugsführer | FliK 12 | 26th March 1918 | - |
Berger Rudolf | Ldst-Feldwebel | FliK 26 | 9th October 1920 | - |
Braunecker Leopold | Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 15 | 23rd October 1918 | - |
Brociner Max | Fähnrich d.Res. | FliK 4 | 26th March 1918 | POW 1916/17 in Italy, released as total invalid |
Brunner Arthur | Zugsführer | FliK 10 | 19th February 1919 | Posthumous; KIA 18th March 1918 |
Bubenik Gottlieb | Zugsführer | FliK 33 | 15th April 1918 | - |
Busa Julius | Feldwebel | FliK 14 | 4th June 1917 | Posthumous; KIA 13th May 1917 |
Cagasek Josef | Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 8 | 28th March 1918 | - |
Cernohous Josef | Feldwebel | FliK 35 | 23rd July 1919 | - |
Cerny Ferdinand | Feldwebel | FliK 14 | 22nd March 1919 | Posthumous; KIA 19th May 1918 |
Cislaghi Karl | Zugsführer | FliK 28 | 27th August 1917 | - |
Czernin Gottlieb | Feldwebel | FliK 60 | 11th January 1919 | Posthumous; died of wounds 13th March 1918 |
Debreczeny Karl | Feldwebel | FliK 17 | 22nd March 1919 | - |
Demjen Stephan | Feldwebel | FliK 17 | 22nd March 1919 | - |
Dollag Ernst | Reserve-Feldwebel | FliK 66 | 27th November 1918 | - |
Dombrowski Andreas | Feldwebel | FliK 29 | 15th April 1918 | 6 Victories |
Dovolil Karl | Feldwebel | FG I | 30th May 1918 | - |
Driemer Rudolf | Feldwebel | FliK 3 | 30th November 1918 | POW 1915/18 in Russia, received GTM after he escaped |
Drnek Franz | Zugsführer | FliK 18 | 15th May 1918 | - |
Ehret Karl | Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 16 | 28th December 1918 | - |
Elsner Felix | See-Fähnrich a.D. | SFS Pola/Puntisella | 10th October 1917 | - |
Ernst Paul Dr. | Fähnrich d.Res. | schwFdArtRgt 19 att. FliK 27 | 7th April 1917 | - |
Ezekiel Andreas | Ldst-Zugsführer | FliK 33 | 6th July 1918 | - |
Fleck Ludwig | Korporal | FliK 35 | 8th September 1917 | - |
Forst Rudolf | Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 37 | 17th April 1918 | - |
Franke Josef | Feldwebel | FliK 4 | 10th November 1917 | Died on wounds after air crash on the 11th February 1918 |
Franz Ernst | Feldwebel | schwFAR 19 att. FliK 23 | 24th September 1917 | Died in air crash 17th January 1918 |
Fraueneder Franz | Zugsführer | FliK 32 | 28th March 1918 | - |
Fritsch Karl | Feldwebel | FliK 43 | 23rd July 1919 | Died in February 1968 |
Fuchshuber Franz | Zugsführer | FliK 56 | 25th June 1919 | - |
Funk Erwin | Feldwebel | FliK 16 | 26th January 1918 | - |
Glas Josef | Zugsführer | FliK 71 | 16th October 1920 | - |
Goder Franz | Feldwebel | FliK 17 | 17th November 1917 | - |
Grabenhofer Robert | Feldwebel | FliK 61 | 31st May 1919 | - |
Graf Hubert | Feldwebel | FliK 42 | 24th December 1918 | Died in air crash 28th March 1919 |
Gregl Franz | Feldwebel | FliK 28 | 7thApril 1917 | Posthumous; KIA 15th August 1916 |
Grund Josef | Ldst-Zugsführer | FliK 26 | 3rd July 1920 | - |
Gyurgyev Slavko | Zugsführer | FliK 61 | 31st May 1919 | Posthumous; KIA 11th May 1918 |
Haas Josef | Zugsführer | FliK 44 | 9th April 1919 | - |
Habel Adolf | Ldst-Feldwebel | FliK 48 | 31st May 1919 | Posthumous; died in air crash 1st June 1918 |
Hablitschek Paul | Feldwebel | FliK 7 | 2nd March 1918 | Posthumous; died of wounds 26th May 1917 |
Hammerlitz Rudolf Benno | Fähnrich d.Res. | FstgArtBaon 5 att. FliK 29 | 22nd August 1917 | Posthumous; KIA 25th July 1917 |
Haschke Reinhold | Fliegermaat | SFS Durazzo | 17th October 1916 | - |
Hegedüs Stephan (Istvan) | Korporal | FliK 35 | 26th March 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 22nd June 1917 |
Heidl Albin | Zugsführer | FliK 60 | 27th November 1918 | - |
Hertl Ernst | Zugsführer | FliK 11 | 31st May 1919 | Posthumous; KIA 8th June 1918 |
Hollmann Robert | Zugsführer | FliK 16 | 26th March 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 10th August 1917 |
Höllriegel Anton | Feldwebel | FliK 16 | 28th December 1918 | - |
Horny Walter | Zugsführer | FliK 21 | 4th May 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 26th July 1917 |
Huzjan Stephan (Istvan) | Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 19 | 7th April 1917 | - |
Janhuber Karl | Feldwebel | FliK 64 | 11st December 1920 | - |
Janisch Leopold | Feldwebel | FliK 44 | 23rd July 1919 | - |
Jaschek Ferdinand | Zugsführer | FliK 41 | 24th April 1918 | Posthumous; died in air crash 21st August 1917 |
Jezek Alois | Zugsführer | FliK 24 | 25th September 1916 | died on the 28th February 1952 |
Juhász Franz (Ference) | Feldwebel | FliK 5 | 10th January 1917 | - |
Juhász Johann | Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 74 | 18th September 1920 | - |
Kaszala Karl | Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 41 | 24th April 1918 | Died in air crash 1932 or 1936. 8 Victories |
Kauer Max | Feldwebel | FliK 28 | 29th September 1920 | - |
Khil Edler von Murhausen Franz | See-Kadett | SFS Pola/Puntisella | 16th October 1917 | - |
Kirjak Stephan (Istvan) | Feldwebel | FliK 21 | 26th August 1918 | - |
Klement Franz | Korporal | FliK 13 | 1st October 1917 | - |
Klemperer Wolfgang | Fähnrich d.Res. | FG I | 24th April 1918 | Died on 25th March 1965 at Los Angeles |
Klingohr Rudolf | MilTechnAkz. | liqu. LSCHErsTruppe | 28th July 1920 | Nachträgliche Zuerkennung |
Koch Leo | Zugsführer | FliK 22 | 10th September 1917 | Committed suicide 1st January 1948 at Innsbruck |
Kolba Árpád | Feldwebel | FliK 23 | 3rd July 1917 | - |
Kolos Kolomann | Fähnrich d.Res. | SFS Triest | 23rd July 1917 | KIA 19th August 1917 |
Korber Josef | Werkmeister | FliK 4 | 15th September 1914 | Died in air crash 16th November 1914 |
Korsitzky Alfons | Feldwebel | FliK 28 | 24th April 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 2nd February 1918 |
Koschicek Josef | Feldwebel | FliK 28 | 10th April 1917 | - |
Kreidl Andreas | Zugsführer | FliK 28 | 28th December 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 29th September 1917 |
Kreiner Edwin | Feldwebel | FliK 13 | 10th September 1917 | Died in air crash 22nd March 1918 |
Kropf Josef | Feldwebel | FliK 48 | 4th May 1918 | - |
Kröppel Franz | Feldwebel | FliK 41 | 25th June 1919 | - |
Kubalek Leopold | Korporal | FliK 49 | 31st May 1919 | Posthumous; KIA 23rd May 1918 |
Lager Anton | Ldst-Korporal | FliK 18 | 11th December 1920 | - |
Laczkó Joseph | Ldst-Korporal | FliK 66 | 27th November 1918 | - |
Lahner Franz | Zugsführer | FliK 55 | 29th May 1920 | Died on the 19th July 1966 at Linz. 5 Victories |
Lehmann Alois | Feldwebel | FliK 55 | 19th July 1919 | Posthumous; KIA 23rd April 1918 |
Libano Max | Offiziersstellvertreter | FliK 1 | 24th June 1916 | Died on the 23rd December 1970 at Linz |
Linner Karl | Korporal tit. Zugsführer | FliK 9 | 29th May 1920 | Posthumous; KIA 9th August 1918 |
Liptak Aladár | Offiziersstellvertreter | FliK 8 | 9th November 1918 | - |
Löffelmann Thomas | Feldwebel | FliK 11 | 31st August 1918 | - |
Lonstak Rudolf | Feldwebel | FliK 14 | 31st August 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 1st September 1917 |
Lucic Nikolaus | See-Kadett | SFS Pola/Puntisella | 24th October 1917 | Posthumous; KIA 3rd October 1917 |
Magerl Vinzenz | Feldwebel | FliK 42 | 24th April 1918 | Died on the 25th July 1954 in Vienna. 5 Victories |
Magyar Joseph | Zugsführer | FliK 28 | 30th January 1918 | Posthumous; died in air crash 21st June 1917 |
Mahner Heinrich | Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 19 | 30th May 1918 | - |
Malz Johann | Feldwebel | FliK 14 | 22nd March 1919 | - |
Matijevic Joseph | Kadett-Aspirant | FliK 2 | 26th August 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 26th June 1917 |
Mattl Johann | Feldwebel | FliK 1 | 9th October 1915 | Died in air crash on the 16th July 1917 |
Maurer Karl | Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 17 | 14th June 1919 | - |
Mazurczak Leon | Feldwebel | FliK 4 | 25th June 1919 | - |
Meissner Michael | Feldwebel | FliK 9 | 31st May 1919 | Posthumous; KIA 19th June 1918 |
Meltsch Robert | Feuerwerker | FliK 8 | 6th October 1914 | - |
Molnár Johann | Fliegermeister | SFS Pola | 29th April 1916 | - |
Moosbrugger Pius | Zugsführer | FliK 11 | 17th April 1918 | Died in 1978 at Nüziders |
Morawetz Josef | Korporal | FliK 4 | 16th January 1918 | - |
Morth Stephan | Korporal | FliK 34 | 8th September 1917 | Died in air crash 6th July 1918 |
Müller Richard | Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 15 | 2nd October 1918 | - |
Müller Rudolf | Feldwebel | FliK 11 | 31st August 1918 | - |
Nedoschinsky Hermann | Korporal tit. Zugsführer | FliK 25 | 31st August 1918 | Posthumous; died in air crash 14th October 1917 |
Neuhauser Johann | Zugsführer | FliK 28 | 28th December 1918 | - |
Nölscher Rudolf | Feldwebel | FG I | 30th May 1918 | - |
Novak Dragutin | Zugsführer | FliK 10 | 26th August 1916 | 5 Victories |
Obendorfer Maximilian | Fähnrich d.Res. | SFS Triest | 23rd July 1917 | Died in air crash 19th December 1917 |
Oberst Franz | Feldwebel | FliK 42 | 9th April 1919 | 5 Victories |
Ondik Josef | Zugsführer | FliK 11 | 19th February 1919 | |
Ott Max | Fliegerquartiermeister | SFS Pola | 10th October 1917 | Died in air crash 26th June 1918 |
Ottinger Otto | Oberstabsfliegermeister | SFS Triest | 23rd July 1917 | |
Pacher Wilhelm | See-Fähnrich | SFS Triest | 21st November 1917 | |
Pachta Franz | Ldst-Zugsführer | FliK 31 | 26th August 1918 | |
Palm Rudolf | Korporal | FliK 37 | 17th April 1918 | Died on the 12th June 1967 at Wien |
Papp Johann | Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 28 | 28th December 1918 | |
Passer Josef | Zugsführer | FliK 16 | 30th September 1918 | |
Pelzmann Franz | Korporal | FliK 55 | 22nd March 1919 | Posthumous; KIA 4th July 1918 |
Péterffy Koloman | Feldwebel | FliK 18 | 18th December 1918 | |
Pichler Karl | Feldwebel | FliK 2 | 6th July 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 23rd September 1917 |
Pinkalsky Johann | Feldwebel | FliK 9 | 29th May 1920 | Posthumous; KIA 8th August 1918 |
Pittlik Joseph | Zugsführer | FliK 28 | 10th September 1917 | |
Polanecky Rudolf | Zugsführer | FliK 34 | 24th April 1918 | Died in air crash on the 27th August 1922 near Prague |
Pontalti Ernst | Fähnrich d.Res. | FliK 51 | 9th April 1919 | Posthumous; KIA 22nd May 1918 |
Prochazka Franz | Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 22 | 9th October 1920 | |
Proksch Josef | Reserve-Zugsführer | FliK 42 | 3rd July 1920 | |
Rabel Adolf | Zugsführer | FliK 31 | 31st August 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 9th August 1917 |
Ratzky Viktor | Zugsführer | FliK 64 | 11th December 1920 | |
Regner von Bleyleben Georh Freiherr | See-Kadett | SFS Triest | 11th September 1916 | |
Reinl Adolf | Korporal tit. Zugsführer | FliK 61 | 29th May 1920 | Posthumous; KIA 17th June 1918 |
Renner Alexander | Feldwebel | FliK 34 | 24th October 1917 | |
Rippl Richard | Fähnrich d.Res. | SFS Triest | 21st November 1917 | |
Ritschl Franz | Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 44 | 26th August 1918 | Posthumous; died in air crash 30th January 1918 |
Rixinger Johann | Fliegermaat | SFS Kumbor | 7th September 1918 | |
Rose Karl | Zugsführer | FliK 7 | 28th August 1916 | |
Rost Hermann | Zugsführer | FliK 10 | 10th April 1917 | Posthumous; died of wounds 3rd October 1916 |
Rottmann Georg | Korporal | FliK 4 | 11th January 1919 | Posthumous; KIA 27th February 1918 |
Röver Oskar | Fregattenleutnant | SFS Triest | 3rd December 1917 | Posthumous; KIA 16th November 1917 |
Rühr Ferdinand | Offiziersstellvertreter | FliK 47 | 9th April 1919 | Posthumous; KIA 19th June 1918 |
Rumiha Karl | Feldwebel | FliK 9 | 10th April 1917 | |
Sailer Karl | Feldwebel | FliK 35 | 26th March 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 14th July 1917 |
Schantl Josef | Zugsführer | FliK 19 | 28th December 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 5th February 1918 |
Schmid August | Korporal | FliK 32 | 24th October 1917 | KIA near Stalingrad in WW2 |
Schmidt Josef | Korporal | FliK 3 | 15th May 1918 | |
Schmidt Kasimir | Fähnrich d.Res. | UR 13 att. FliK 14 | 10th April 1917 | |
Schobesberger Franz | Feldwebel | FliK 26 | 31st August 1918 | |
Schramek Franz | Stabsfeldwebel | FliK 34 | 28th December 1918 | |
Schremser Paul | Korporal | FliK 39 | 29th May 1920 | |
Schüller Alfons | Offiziersstellvertreter | FliK 8 | 11th November 1918 | |
Schuster Richard | Feldwebel | FliK 21 | 26th January 1918 | |
Schwarz Wenzel | Zugsführer | FliK 24 | 16th January 1917 | |
Segner Rudolf | Korporal | FliK 36 | 28th March 1918 | |
Sewera Maximilian | See-Fähnrich | SFS Kumbor | 11th September 1916 | KIA 27th September 1917 |
Skubal Josef | Zugsführer | FliK 35 | 24th August 1918 | |
Skvor Johann | Feldwebel | FliK 27 | 9th April 1919 | Posthumous; KIA 18th May 1918 |
Sollary Stephan | Feldwebel | FliK 4 | 22nd January 1919 | |
Spenn Otto | Feldwebel | FliK 55 | 29th May 1920 | Posthumous; KIA 15th July 1918 |
Stolba Rudolf | Zugsführer | FliK 8 | 29th November 1915 | KIA 6th May 1916 |
Strecker Ernst | Fähnrich d.Res. | SFS Pola/Puntisella | 15th January 1918 | |
Szabo Karl | Ldst-Korporal | FliK 69 | 23rd July 1919 | |
Szakranszky Johann | Feldwebel | FliK 2 | 6th July 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 2nd October 1917 |
Szatóry Joseph | Ldst-Zugsführer | FliK 11 | 31st August 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 13rd June 1917 |
Szöllösy Stephan (Istvan) | Zugsführer | FliK 38 | 26th August 1918 | |
Sztavjanik Eduard | tit. Fliegermeister | SFS Kumbor | 7th September 1918 | Died on the 23rd September 1971 at Wien |
Szwitek Joseph | Zugsführer | FliK 37 | 31st August 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 25th June 1918 |
Takács Ferdinand | Feldwebel | FliK 42 | 22nd January 1919 | |
Tarangul von Valea et Utsei Heinrich | Fähnrich d.Res. | rtSCHRgt 5 att. FliK 13 | 17th November 1917 | |
Técsi Ludwig (Lajos) | Zugsführer | FliK 26 | 31st August 1918 | |
Teichmann Karl | Zugsführer | FliK 60 | 27th November 1918 | Died in 1927 at Graz. 5 Victories |
Thaler Ludwig | Ldst-Zugsführer | FliK 56 | 11th September 1920 | |
Till Ernst | Zugsführer | FliK 13 | 6th October 1915 | |
Tschamler Rudolf | Fähnrich d.Res. | FJB 22 att. FliK 11 | 4th June 1917 | |
Unger Johann | Ldst-Feldwebel | FliK 66 | 28th February 1920 | Posthumous; died of wounds 31st August 1918 |
Unger Walter | Fähnrich d.Res. | SFS Kumbor | 7th September 1918 | |
Vaczkó Ladislaus | Zugsführer | FliK 35 | 8th September 1917 | Posthumous; died in air crash 14th February 1917 |
Vámos Ludwig (Lajos) | See-Kadett | SFS Pola | 29th April 1916 | Died in air crash 13th August 1916 |
Varga Johann | Feldwebel | FliK 11 | 15th June 1915 | Died in air crash 7th May 1916 |
Varza Trajan | Korporal | FliK 26 | 31st August 1918 | Posthumous; KIA 2nd August 1917 |
Vidra Karl | Feldwebel | FliK 26 | 3rd July 1920 | |
Vio Ferruccio Maria | See-Kadett | SFS Pola/Puntisella | 10th October 1917 | Posthumous; died in air crash 20th September 1917 |
Vratil Joseph | Zugsführer | FliK 14 | 29th May 1920 | |
Winkler Ernst | Zugsführer | SchR.2 att. FliK 4 | 1st Jan 1918 | Killed in action 30th January 1918 |
Wognár Stephan Franz | Feldwebel | FliK 2 | 10th November 1917 | 5 Victories |
Wolf Anton | Feldwebel | FliK 12 | 18th September 1920 | |
Ziegler Eugen | Zugsführer | FliK 51 | 22nd January 1919 | Posthumous; KIA 21st February 1918 |
Zimmermann Viktor | Feldwebel | FliK 13 | 22nd August 1917 |
Winners of a Golden Bravery Medal for Officers:
NAME | RANK | UNIT | publishing DATE | NOTES |
Banfield Gottfried Freiherr von | Linienschiffsleutnant (FP+SF) | Kommandant SFS Triest | 19th June 1918 | Died at Trieste in September 1986. 9 Victories |
Brumowski Godwin | Hauptmann (FP) | rtArtRgt 8 Kommandant FliK 41 | 20th February 1918 | Died in air crash 3rd June 1936 near Amsterdam. 35 Victories |
Fiala Ritter von Fernbrugg Benno | Oberleutnant d.Res. (FP) | swArtRgt 1 Kommandant FliK 51 | 4th October 1918 | Died at Vienna on the 29th October 1964. 28 Victories |
Gsöllpointner Karl | Oberleutnant d.Res. (FP) | FdArtRgt 3 att. FliK 17 | 29th June 1918 | |
Kenzian Georg | Oberleutnant (FP) | SappBaon 25 Chefpilot FliK 55 | 20th April 1918 | 9 Victories |
Lang Viktor | Oberleutnant (BO) | IR 88 att. FliK 28 | 18th April 1918 | |
Linke-Crawford Frank | Oberleutnant (FP) | DR 6 Chefpilot FliK 41 | 16th March 1918 | KIA 31th July 1918. 27 Victories |
Makláry Béla vitéz | Oberleutnant d.Res. (FP) | rtHonvArtDion Kommandant FliK 1 | 3rd October 1931 | Changed his name from Macourek to Makláry. 5 Victories |
Mörath Edgar | Leutnant d.Res. (FP) | FliK 61 | 23rd December 1931 | Died in February 1969 |
Stoisavljevic Raoul | Hauptmann (FP) | FJB 21 Kommandant FliK 16 | 10th April 1918 | Died in air crash 2nd September 1930 near Garmisch-Partenkrichen. 10 Victories |
Szalay Ernö (Ernst) | Hauptmann (FP) | honvIR 13 Kommandant FliK 62 | 17th April 1918 | |
Yllam Julius | Hauptmann (FP) | Kommandant FliK 3 | 27th June 1922 | Changed his name from Mally to Yllam; died at Klagenfurt on the 15th January 1942 |
Not clearly confirmed awards:
1.) Wognar Stephan, born on the 6th of January 1890 at Nagyszombat near Pozsony, who received the Golden Bravery Medal as Feldpilot and Feldwebel in FliK 2 in 1917, published on the 10th of November 1917. According to some "important" aviation historians it was rumored that he had received the golden medal shortly after this date a second time but this was wrong and could not be confirmed by his files or any other publication! It was true that he had been recommended by his commanding officer for a second award but this was changed to a Silver Bravery Medal 1st class - incidentally between November 1917 and the end of the war he received the Silver Bravery Medal 1st class three times!
2.) Zebisch Eugen, born on the 16th of September 1889 at Landeck, received the Golden Bravery Medal as an Oberjäger in 4.TKJ in 1915, published on the 18th of September 1915. Following this, he volunteered for the Luftfahrttruppe and was trained as pilot and at least saw some action on the Italian front. During the war he received all the bravery medals and was wounded five times! Long after the war, when he volunteered for the German Luftwaffe in 1939, he claimed by himself that he had received the Golden Bravery Medal a second time and the Field pilots badge for his performance as a pilot at the end of October 1918. During World War II he wore the medal with bar and the badge until he died in action on the 16th of January 1945 near Bozen. The second award and the Field pilots badge could not be confirmed by any documents or serious sources and it seems strange to me that he did not write a single word about all this (and gave his birthday as the 23rd of September 1890) when he was asked by the Society of the Golden Bravery Medal Winners for their planned book in April 1937!
3.) According to the published list of one of the above named "important" aviation historians the following men also received the Golden Bravery Medal : Fähnrich d.Res. (BO) Hugo Hierse of the InfRgt 20 att. FliK 34, born 1896 at Biala (Galicia); Korporal Johann Ollinger of FliK 17, KIA on the 9th June 1918; Zugsführer (FP) Karl Pochobradsky of FliK 61 and Korporal (FP) Rudolf Simoncsics of FliK 36, born 1896 at Pressbaum (Lower Austria). None of these awards could be confirmed by any official publication and certainly not by their files! All 4 of these individuals were recommended by their commanding officers for this high award but the recommendations were subsequently amended by higher commanders to Silver Bravery Medals 1st class!