Landwehrulanenregimenter as at August 1914
On the mobilisation the individual Landwehr Ulanenregimenter sent pairs of Squadrons to be employed as divisional cavalry to both Common Army and Landwehr Infantry Divisions as follows:
Staff | Squadrons | Squadrons | Squadrons | |
1.Landwehrulanenregiment | Lemberg | 1., 2. Schwd. 11.ID. | 3., 4. Schwd. 30.ID. | 5., 6. Schwd. 43.LID. |
2.Landwehrulanenregiment | Hohenmauth | 1., 2. Schwd. 26.LID. | 3., 4. Schwd. 29.ID. | 5., 6. Schwd. 10.ID. |
3.Landwehrulanenregiment | Rseszów | 1., 2. Schwd. 45.LID. | 3., 4. Schwd. 24.ID. | 5., 6. Schwd. 2.ID. |
4.Landwehrulanenregiment | Olmütz | 1., 2. Schwd. 5.ID. | 3., 4. Schwd. 12.ID. | 5., 6. Schwd. 46.LID. |
5.Landwehrulanenregiment | Stockerau | 1., 2. Schwd. 4.ID. | 3., 4. Schwd. 25.ID. | 5., 6. Schwd. 13.LID. |
6.Landwehrulanenregiment | Wels | 1., 2. Schwd. 3.ID. | 3., 4. Schwd. 8.ID. | 5., 6. Schwd. 44.LID. |
Additionally the Austrian Landwehr cavalry had two "Divisions" of mounted rifles. One was recruited from the Tyrol, the other from Dalmatia:
Reitende Tiroler Landesschützendivision | Trient | 1., 3. Schwd. 44.LID. | 2. Schwd. 11.HKD. |
Reitende Dalmatiner Landesschützendivision | Sinj | 1 Zug 1.Schwd. 4.GbBrig. 18.ID
1 Zug 2.Schwd. 5.GbBrig. 18.ID 1 Zug 1.Schwd. 6.GbBrig. 18.ID 1 Zug 2.Schwd. 18.ID 1 Zug 1.Schwd. 2.GbBrig. 1 Zug 1.Schwd. 14.GbBrig. 47.ID. 2 Züge 2.Schwd. 40 HID. |