The Storming of Brescia 31st of March - 1st April 1849
the 12th of March 1949
, King Charles Albert of
terminated the armistice that had been in force with
since his defeat during the campaign of the previous year. In the brief
campaign that followed the King’s army was rapidly defeated by the Austrian
forces in
under the command of Feldmarschall Joseph Graf Radetzky
de Radetz. On the day of the decisive defeat of the army of
the 23rd of March 1849, the citizens of
with incredibly poor timing and judgment broke out in open revolt against the
Austrian administration in
Brescia, then a city of some 40,000 inhabitants became the scene of open
insurrection against the very limited Austrian garrison. The mail from
was seized and the regimental baggage of the 44th Infantry Regiment Erzherzog
Albrecht was plundered. Military personnel were detained and other
government agents and employees were confined, ill-treated and in some cases
The town’s garrison, just two companies of the 8th Moravian
Infantry Regiment Erzherzog Ludwig
took post in the castle and opened fire on the city. The military hospital in
at the time had some 4000 sick and recuperating soldiers and these managed to
secure themselves by means of barricades within the building and those that
could bear arms did so in the defence of that place. This was all the more so
necessary as a delegation from the insurrectionist forces had made clear to the
garrison of the castle that for every shot directed at the city, a patient at
the hospital would be killed.[2]
With this developing situation ongoing, the Austrian commander with
responsibility for the Lombardo-Venetian provinces in the absence of
Feldmarschall Graf Radetzky at the front, Feldmarschall-Lieutenant Julius von Haynau
set about suppressing the Brescian revolt.
On hearing the news of the revolt, Feldmarschall-Lieutenant
von Haynau despatched a force under the command of General-Major Johann Graf
on the 26th of March towards
Brescia. The force, comprising of one battalion of the 13th Roman
Banat Border Infantry Regiment, four companies of the 23rd Infantry
Regiment Feldmarschall-Lieutenant Graf
Ceccopieri, a troop of the 5th Chevauxlegers Regiment Fürst
Liechtenstein and two guns met its first opposition at the small town of St.
Eufemia just to the west of Brescia where the insurgents had barricaded
themselves and destroyed various bridges. In short order St. Eufemia was
assaulted, the insurgents put to flight and pursued to the gates of
about an hour distant. However as Generalmajor Graf Nugent’s force of only
900 men was too weak to assault the fortified city, the 1st and 3rd
Battalions of the 59th Infantry Regiment Baden in Verona were alerted and with two guns were sent to join
Graf Nugent under the regimental commander, Oberst Julius Graf Bernay-Favancourt.
3 pm
on the 28th of March they arrived at St. Eufemia 24 hours later by
forced march. On the 30th of March the insurgents were cleared from
the heights and the individual houses on the outskirts of the city. The four
guns were placed in position on the main
road and shelled the Porta torre lunga.
Unter-Lieutenant Friedrich Beck with half a company of the 59th
Infantry Regiment was assigned as close protection for the guns.[4]
The city of
was built in the form of an irregular quadrilateral with great buildings and in
parts with long, wide streets and large squares. The whole was surrounded by a
high wall and a deep trench. The gates were so barricaded that they could only
be taken with the support of guns as were all the main streets. The houses and
buildings were loop holed and the internal walls knocked through to facilitate
movement and communications. The windows were protected with paving stones and
On the late evening of the 30th of March,
Feldmarschall-Lieutenant von Haynau, the popular and energetic corps commander
joined the small force at
and was met with loud cheering from the troops. Although Feldmarschall Graf
Radetzky had set the 3rd
Corps under Feldmarschall-Lieutenant Christian Freiherr von Appel in motion to
Brescia following the battle of Novara, FML von Haynau feared any postponement
of the attack would lead to the loss of the hospital and he immediately ordered
that at 6 am on the following morning (31st of March) the 1st
Battalion of the 59th Infantry Regiment under his personal command
should reinforce the castle whilst the remaining troops would be formed into
five columns, each with the mission to take up positions at one of the city
gates and following the accomplishment of that on orders to begin the assault as
1st column under the command of Major Peter von
Vierendeels of the 59th Infantry Regiment on the road from
to Porta S. Giovanni: the 13th and 14th Company of I.R.
59 under Oberlieutenant Eduard Spieß and Hauptmann Julius von Engel, the 1st
Company of the 13th Roman Banat Border Infantry Regiment and the 18th
Company of the Ceccopieri Infantry
2nd column under Oberstlieutenant Friedrich
Fuchs of the 13th Roman Banat Border Infantry Regiment to take the
Porta Pille on the north side of the city: 15th Company of I.R. 59
under Oberlieutenant Maximilian Heffele, the 3rd and 4th companies of
the Border Regiment and a company of the Ceccopieri
Infantry Regiment.
3rd Column on the road from Crema to Porta S.
Nazzaro under Major Carl Fabius Terzaghi of the Ceccopieri Infantry Regiment: the 16th Company of I.R. 59
under Hauptmann Alois Kolber and the 5th Company of the Border
4th Column under Hauptmann Robert Kublang von
Seltenhof of the Ceccopieri Infantry
Regiment on the road from
to Porta S. Alessandro: the 17th Company of I.R. 59 under
Oberlieutenant Alexander von Graf and the 17th Company of the Ceccopieri
Infantry Regiment.
5th Column under Oberst Julius Graf
Bernay-Favancourt on the Verona road to Porta torre lunga: the 18th
Company of I.R. 59 under Oberlieutenant Josef Schaub, the 6th Company
of the Border Regiment, the 13th and 14th Company of the Ceccopieri
Infantry Regiment, the troop of the 5th Chevauxlegers Regiment and
the four guns. Generalmajor Graf Nugent and his Brigade Adjutant accompanied
this column.
Using the cover of a thick fog, FML von Haynau led the 1st
Battalion of I.R. 59 over the difficult path to the castle in pouring rain. The
caste which stood on a hill on the north side of the town was reached by a
narrow path which ran closely parallel to the city walls and although the
insurgents opened fire on the small Austrian force most of the fire was
ineffective. By
8 am
Haynau had reached the castle but had lost two men killed and a further seven
wounded from fire from a Closter just beneath the castle. He therefore had the
Closter assaulted by a detachment of the 8th Infantry Regiment, the
Castle’s original garrison and the insurgents killed.
11 am
Major von Vierendeel’s column had secure positions at Fuimicello on the
road having had two Gefreiters seriously and the Battalion Adjutant,
Unterlieutenant Theobald Baron Seenuss lightly wounded. Oberstlieutenant Fuchs
had taken up positions about the Porta Pille having suffered three wounded. The
column under Major Terzaghi had reached S. Nazzaro by
9 am
which they assaulted and expelled the insurgents from the occupied houses.
Similarly the 4th column under Hauptmann Kublang had achieved its
initial objective and was now observing the Porta S. Alessandro. Finally Oberst
Graf Favancourt’s column was in position to assault the Porta torre lunga. All
the columns had the strictest orders to let no one leave the city and to block
all communications. Each column had to then secure its position and establish
the necessary liaison and contact with its flanking columns and be prepared to
resist any attack by the insurgents.
At this stage FML von Haynau let it be known to the
insurgents that he was himself in the castle and demanded unconditional
surrender of the city. Around
11 am
a delegation from the city appeared at the castle and requested an armistice of
three hours so that they might have the insurgents lay down their arms. However
during this period, the existing barricades were strengthened, further
barricades erected and as the bells rang at
two pm
, fire was opened on the castle from the city. At
half past three pm
, his patience exhausted, FML von Haynau had the town bombarded from the castle
and set in motion the general assault. The individual columns were to storm
their assigned city gates and were then to attempt to fight their way to the
municipal place. The Porta torre lunga was assaulted by Graf Favancourt’s
column after a brief bombardment and after the outlying houses and obstacles
were cleared, the colonel was the first to enter the city. In the ensuing
vicious street fighting the Austrian troops cleared the adjoining streets
against determined resistance from the insurgents.
In the meantime the 1st column was repulsed at
the Porta S. Giovanni, the commander of the 14th Company of I.R. 59,
Hauptmann von Engel being seriously wounded. The wounded officer was brought to
safety by his men and the column took up positions in the houses in the
immediate vicinity of the gate. The 2nd Column had similar
difficulties at the Porta Pille and the commander of the 15th Company
of I.R. 59, Oberlieutenant Heffele was killed along with four of his men. After
two unsuccessful attempts to take the gate they were ordered that evening to
proceed to the Porta torre lunga on the following morning and to open the
Alessandro and Nazzaro gates from within the city.
The 3rd Column was more successful and quickly
cleared the heavily fortified suburb of St. Nazzaro, pursued the insurgents from
the walls and cleared the adjacent buildings. In so doing they considerably
eased the following morning’s task of the 2nd Column. The 4th
column could not take the adjacent houses to the Porta S. Alessandro and at
8 pm
was also ordered to the Porta torre lunga to strengthen Oberst Graf
Favancourt’s column.
Following the capture of the Porta torre lunga,
General-Major Graf Nugent had split his force into two columns, one under his
personal command and the other under Graf Favancourt. These now proceeded to
fight their way into the city and in further bitter fighting; Graf Nugent was
wounded in the foot. Although brought to safety and taken to the
St. Eufemia
he would die following the amputation of his wounded foot. Battalion commander
Oberstlieutenant Matthias Miletz was also killed during the evening.
With the onset of darkness FML von Haynau ceased offensive
operations for the night so that the exhausted troops might get some rest and
the fighting died down. Although shooting continued throughout the night, the
objectives so far taken were held and early the following morning, Palm Sunday,
the assault continued. House to house fighting continued throughout the morning
until at about
a deputation of the city’s magistrates appeared before Hauptmann Heinrich
Schetzko of the 1st Battalion I.R. 59. These were sent on to FML von
Haynau accompanied by an officer. Von Haynau informed them that unless all
firing ceased half an hour after they returned the assault would continue. In
fact the firing increased and the battle was renewed. The insurgents were now
inexorably cleared from the houses and streets, their barricades taken and the
ring around the city ever more tightened. During the afternoon Graf Favancourt
was wounded in the chest but around
5 pm
it was all over. Refusing to negotiate further, FML von Haynau demanded
unconditional surrender and this was accepted.
Favancourt was awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Military Order of Maria
Theresia and would rise to the rank of General-Major in July 1850 and retire
shortly afterwards. Two of his NCOs – Feldwebels Franz Pittrich and Mathias
Mayer were awarded the Golden Bravery
Following the execution of some of the insurgents, FML von Haynau has gone down
in history as the Hyena of Brescia, possibly rather unfairly considering the
earlier murders by the inhabitants of the city. It was variously reported that
some 2,600 corpses were found in the city. The general went onto command in
Hungary, was promoted to Feldzeugmeister and was instrumental in putting down
the rebellion there. He died on
the 14th of March 1853
Military Events in
1848-1849 translated by the Earl of Ellesmere, John Murray,
The son of the later Feldmarschall Laval Graf Nugent.
The later Chief of Staff of the Austro-Hungarian Armed Forces and
Generaloberst, Friedrich Graf Beck-Rzikowsky, 21 March 1830 – 9 February
Geschichte des k.k. Infanterie-Regiments Erzherzog Rainer Nr. 59 von seiner
Errichtung 1682 bis 3. Juni 1882 by Oberst Justuz Knorz.
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