Rudolf Johann Brudermann was born as the
eldest son of the cavalry officer Andreas Brudermann and his wife Elisabeth (born Dub) on the
10th of October 1810 at Kremsier. His military career was a fine example of the
circumstances of pre 1868 (or better especially pre 1850) when the Oberstinhaber
was the powerful patriarch of his regiment who was able to decide which individuals
received which posts in his regiment. Since the order of 1803 it was forbidden
to sell officer's
patents (commissions) but it was legal if two officers agreed to "exchange" their
ranks. Only the regimental commander and the Oberstinhaber had to be informed
about this so called "Convention" and of course this all involved the
passing of money between the individuals concerned! In 1850 the post of a Leutnant in an
infantry regiment sold at around 2000,- Kronen and each officer had to purchase all his
uniforms, equipment, weapons etc. at his own expense! Rudolf Brudermann's father held
the post of Unterleutnant in the Lombardo-Venetian Chevauxleger Regiment number
7, which was garrisoned at this time at Radkersburg in Styria, raised in 1814
from veterans of the Napoleonic wars from the former Italian dragoon regiment
"La Regina" at Crema. When Andreas Brudermann was able to buy
the post of an Oberleutnant in 1832 he passed his former post to his eldest son
Rudolf. This regiment was transferred to Hungary in 1833 where it was garrisoned
at Moór from 1833 to 1837, then at Kecskemét and since 1847 again at Moór so it
was no wonder that Rudolf Brudermann, who became an expert in horsemanship soon spoke
fluent Hungarian. In 1837 the younger brother of Andreas Brudermann, who
was a Leibbereiter at the court stables of Kaiser Ferdinand, brought about the
transfer of Andreas to the court with an appointment as inspector of the court
stud and consequently Rudolf Brudermann received his promotion to Oberleutnant
and in turn passed on his post to his younger brother - Andreas (junior). In 1844 Rudolf
Brudermann was promoted to Rittmeister 2nd class passing on his former rank to his younger brother. By the way Andreas Brudermann (junior)
suffered from wounds received during the war of 1849 was finally retired with
the rank of Major mit Titel und Charakter (honoris causa) in 1853. Rittmeister
2nd class Rudolf Brudermann, who became famous for his riding skills not only
with his regiment, married Gisela von Barbaczy, who was born at Szegvar in the comitate
of Csongrad on the 15th of March 1815, on the 27th of February 1847 at
Ofen with whom he had four children Anton (1847-1881),
Rudolf (1851-1941),
Gisela Elisabeth (1852-1917) and Adolf (1854-1945), before she died on the 23rd
of September 1855.
When the revolutionary war started in Hungary in 1848 the newly created Hungarian war ministry took over command of the 7th Chevauxleger Regiment but the 1st Major's Division, under the command of Major Ludwig von Kaminski and his two squadron commanders, the Rittmeisters Albert Graf Alberti and Joseph von Kliment, refused to become disloyal to the Kaiser and joined the imperial troops of the Banus Feldmarschall-Leutnant Baron Jellačić at the battle of Wieselburg. The other three divisions soon followed and took part in the battles near Schwechat on the 10th and 30th of October 1848 and further in all the major actions of this campaign. During the 1848/49 war the regiment became probably the most feared cavalry regiment on account of its unique fighting performance. The members of this regiment were specially trained in stabbing instead of striking with the sword which was much harder to perform on horseback but caused more deadly wounds. Rudolf Brudermann would distinguish himself as a squadron commander during the encounter at Waitzen on the 10th of April 1848. In May 1849 the regiment received a new Oberstinhaber, the Russian heir to the throne, the later Tsar Alexander II. The new owner's first act was to fill up all vacant ranks - during this time many senior posts in every regiment were vacant because many officers of Hungarian origin had joined the revolutionary army - with loyal officers and so Rudolf Bruderman, who was the most senior Rittmeister 2nd class, became overnight a Major in his regiment. In 1851 all Chevauxleger regiments were transformed into ulan regiments; Major Brudermann's 7th Chevauxleger regiment now became ulan regiment number 11.
At all times the cavalry were interested in improving the quality of their horses and so the authorities decided to send a senior officer to the Orient to buy some good Arabian horses, bringing fresh blood to the military studs. Rudolf Brudermann, who was widely known as an expert was selected for this journey in 1854. On the 1st of June 1854 he received his promotion to Oberstleutnant and was transferred to hussar regiment number 9 although he actually never performed any regimental duty with them; This regiment could offer a vacant position whilst he was detached on his mission to the Orient. Oberstleutnant Brudermann left home for the Near East only a few days after his last son Adolf was born where he received the message of the death of his young wife at the end of 1855! Brudermann's mission traveled around the Ottoman Empire and even came to Persia bringing numerous excellent horses back to Austria. After his return he was promoted to Oberst on the 10th of May 1856 and made commander of the stud and remount department for Hungary. Together with the horses he also brought a 15 year old Syrian boy to Europe named Michael Fadlallah el Hedad. Rudolf Brudermann didn't adopt the boy but for cared him, sent him to a cadet institute and got him a job at the Militär-Gestüts-Branche where he made an excellent career as an horse expert, reaching the rank of Oberst and commander of the military stud at Babolna and retiring as a Generalmajor honoris causa in 1913! For his successful performance during the journey, Oberst Brudermann was honored with the award of the knights cross of the Order of Leopold on the 8th of August 1857 which brought about his elevation to the nobility with diploma of the 8th of March 1858 and he received permission to wear the Medjidie Order 3rd class which was awarded to him by the Ottoman Sultan during his mission. On the 28th of September 1857 he assumed command of the military stud at Babolna in Hungary.
On the 21st of June 1860 Rudolf Ritter von Brudermann received his promotion to Generalmajor and was attached to the General-Militär-Gestüts-Inspection (Military Stud Inspectorate) as a stud expert. On the 1st of November 1865 he retired after more than 30 years of active duty at his own request. Generalmajor Rudolf Ritter von Brudermann died on the 31st of January 1889 at Budapest.
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