The 180th Promotion of the Military Maria Theresia Order 17th August 1917
On the the occasion of his thirtieth birthday on the17th of August 1917 His Majesty Kaiser Karl conducted at his summer residence at Villa Wartholz near Reichenau at the foot of the Rax mountains the largest ceremonial awarding or Promotion of the Military Maria Theresia Order of the First World War. It will be noted that some of the individuals had received a promotion between the confirmation of their award and the actual award ceremony at Wartholz. On this day Commander's Crosses were awarded to:
Feldmarschall Hermann Freiherr Kövess von Kövessháza
Generaloberst Erherzog Joseph
Generaloberst Viktor Freiherr von Dankl
General der Infanterie Artur Freiherr Arz von Straußenburg
and twenty Knights Crosses as follows:
Linienschiffsleutnant Gottfried Banfield Leutnant in der Reserve Arthur Cumin Oberst im Geniestabe Otto Ritter Ellison von Nidlef Hauptmann Gojkomir Glogovac Hauptmann Géza Heim Feldmarschalleutnant Peter Hofmann Oberst Eduard Hospodarž Oberst des Artilleriestabes Josef Janečka Generalmajor Géza Lukachich von Somorja Oberst Josef Lutschounig |
Generalmajor Guido Novak von
Major Emil Prochaska Oberstleutnant Robert Procházka Feldmarschall-Leutnant Georg Schariczer von Rény General der Infanterie Alexander Szurmay Landsturmoberleutnant Friedrich Tischer General der Infanterie Ignaz Trollmann Feldmarschall-Leutnant Rudolf Ritter von Willerding Generaloberst Wenzel Wurm Feldmarschall-Leutnant Erwin Zeidler |
The following three photographs plus additional photographs shown at page four of the gallery were all taken on that memorable day at Wartholz
Left to right: GO Wurm, Major Emil Prochaska, FM von Kövess, Oberst Lutschounig, HM Kaiser Karl, GdI. Stöger-Steiner, GO Erzherzog Joseph and Oberleutnant Tischer |
Left to right: GdI. Trollmann, GdI. Szurmay, GO von Dankl, FM von Kövess, GdI von Arz and GdI. Stöger-Steiner |
Left to right: Oberst Janečka, Oberst Ellison, Leutnant Cumin, Hptm Glogovac, Oberst Hospodarž, Linienschiffsleutnant Banfield and the Kaiser's Naval Adjutant, Korvettenkapitän Emmerich Schonta von Seedank. |
The official group photo. At centre rear can be seen Generalmajor Novak distinguished by the badges and wound stripes he invariably wore on his general officers' Kappe. FML Zeidler is the bearded officer to the right of GdI von Arz. FML Willerding is on the back row behind Zeidler. Oberstleutnant Robert Procházka who is immediately behind Linienschiffsleutnant Gottfried Banfield can be recognized by the Kaiserschützen feather or Spielhahnstoß on his cap. |
The onlookers. The tall officer in the spiked helmet is Rittmeister Erwein Prinz Lobkowicz of the Leibgarde-Reiterschwadron |