Common Army Pioneer and Sapper Units as at July 1914

The following table shows the nationality by percent of the individual engineer battalions of the Common Army as at July 1914. The figures were originally published in a supplementary volume by Oberst a.D. Maximilian Ehnl to the official Austro-Hungarian general staff work - Österreich-Ungarns letzter Krieg". The figures quoted relate to non commissioned officers and private soldiers and are those given for the native or colloquial language usage but not necessarily the command language of the regiment. The Corps district is the one the personnel were recruited from and not necessarily the corps the battalion was tactically subordinated to.


Regiment Corps District Nationality
Sappeurbataillon Nr.1 I Polish 50%, German 23%, Czech 23%, various 4%
Sappeurbataillon Nr.2 II German 82%, various 18%
Sappeurbataillon Nr.3 III German 48%, Slovene 45%, various 7%
Sappeurbataillon Nr.4 IV Magyar 74%, German 20%, various 6%
Sappeurbataillon Nr.5 V German 40%, Magyar 32%, Slovene 23%, various 5%
Sappeurbataillon Nr.6 VI Magyar 72%, various 28%
Sappeurbataillon Nr.7 VII, XII, XV Magyar 53%, German 25%, various 22%
Sappeurbataillon Nr.8 VIII Czech 73%, German 26%, various 1%
Sappeurbataillon Nr.9 IX Czech 66%, German 31%, various 3%
Sappeurbataillon Nr.10 X Polish 50%, Ruthene 30%, various 20%
Sappeurbataillon Nr.11 XI Ruthene 48%, Polish 32%, various 20%
Sappeurbataillon Nr.12 XII Magyar 50%, Rumanian 36%, various 14%
Sappeurbataillon Nr.13 XIII Croatian, Serbian, Serbo-Croat 86%, various 14%
Sappeurbataillon Nr.14 XIV German 98%, various 2%


Pionierbataillon Nr.2 II, XIV German 98%, various 2%
Pionierbataillon Nr.3 III German 48%, Slovene 45%, various 7%
Pionierbataillon Nr.4 IV Magyar 74%, German 20%, various 6%
Pionierbataillon Nr.5 V Magyar 55%, German 27%, various 18%
Pionierbataillon Nr.7 VII Magyar 57%, German 28%, various 15%
Pionierbataillon Nr.8 VIII Czech 56%, German 41%, various 12%
Pionierbataillon Nr.9 IX Czech 45%, German 43%, various 12%
Pionierbataillon Nr.10 X, XI Polish 50%, Ruthene 30%, various 20%
Pionierbataillon Nr.15 XV, XVI Croatian, Serbian, Serbo-Croat 92%, various 8%


Brückenbataillon II

German 98%, various 2%


Eisenbahnregiment Entire Monarchy German 30%, Magyar 25%, various 25%, Czech 20%, 
Telegraphenregiment Entire Monarchy German 30%, Magyar 25%, various 25%, Czech 20%, 
Luftschifferabteilung Entire Monarchy German 30%, Magyar 25%, various 25%, Czech 20%, 
Automobilabteilung Entire Monarchy German 30%, Magyar 25%, various 25%, Czech 20%, 


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