Order of Battle 1st November 1881

The publication of regulations introducing conscription in the recently occupied territories of Bosnia, Hercegovina and Krisvosije in November 1881 led to a rising initially in the Krisvosije which also spread to the Hercegovina and Southern Bosnia. By the following May, the revolt was to all intents and purposes quashed with some small scale activity reported until the August of 1882. The following order of battle lists the Austro-Hungarian forces available under the command of the Commanding General in Zara, Feldmarschall-Lieutenant Stefan Freiherr von Jovanović on the 1st of November 1881.

Commanding General Feldmarschall-Lieutenant Stefan Freiherr von Jovanović 
Deputy Commanding General Feldmarschall-Lieutenant Stefan Csikos
Chief of Staff Oberst Karl von Blažeković
Director of Artillery Oberst Johann Ritter von Streeruwitz
Chief of Engineers Oberst Karl Markl
Subordinate to the Deputy Commanding General Infanterie-Regiment Freiherr von Weber Nr. 22, 1. & 3. battalions (Zara)
Infanterie-Regiment Freiherr von Weber Nr. 22, 5 battalion (Spalato)
Bestazungs-Truppen-Brigade für Süd-Dalmatien*
Brigade Commander Oberst Paul Hostinek
Brigade Units Infanterie-Regiment Freiherr von Weber Nr. 22, 2. battalion (Ragusa)
Infanterie-Regiment Hoch- und Deutschmeister Nr. 4,  Staff and 2. battalion (Cattaro) 
                                                                                1. battalion (Sutomore, Castel-Lastua, Budua & Mula)
3. battalion (Castelnuovo, Risano)
Feldjäger-Bataillon Nr. 24,  Staff and 2 companies (Castelnuovo)
2. company (Spalato)
Directly subordinate to Director of Artillery Festungsartillerie-Bataillon Nr. 4, Staff and 2. company (Ragusa)
3. & 4. companies (Castelnuovo)
1. & 5. companies (Cattaro)
Total Troops under Commanding General in Zara 8 battalions, 5 fortress artillery companies


*Brigade of Occupation Troops for South Dalmatia

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