Order of Battle of South Army 1866
contrast to their colleagues fighting the Prussians in Northern Bohemia, the men
of the much smaller Austrian army of the South effected a famous victory over
the numerically superior Italian Mincio Army under General Alfonso La Marmora at
the battle of Custozza on 24th June 1866. The three corps of Südarmee were each
composed of only three brigades as opposed to the usual four and in the case of
I. Corps five brigades in Nordarmee. The complement of cavalry and artillery was
also consequently on a much reduced scale. This
order of battle reflects the situation as at the 24th of June 1866 and
does not include the division defending the Tyrol or the fortress garrisons and
other occupation troops based in Venetia and in Dalmatia. It should be noted
that after the war of 1859 the Austrian army had dispensed with infantry
divisions and the individual brigades were placed directly under the command of
corps headquarters.
Army Commander |
Feldmarschall Erzherzog Albrecht |
Chief of Staff | GM. Franz Freiherr von John |
Chief of the Details Bureau | Oberst Vincenz Pürker Edler von Pürkhain |
Chief of the Operations Bureau | Oberst Georg Stubenrauch von Tannenburg |
Director of Artillery | GM. Joseph Hutschenreiter von Glinzendorf |
Director of Engineers | GM. Gideon Radó de Szent-Mártony |
Army Intendant | GM. Ignaz von Arbter |
Naval Affairs Officer | Contre-Admiral Friedrich Freiherr von Pöck |
Director of Medical Services | Oberstabs-Arzt 1. Classe Dr. Franz Petter |
Train Commander | Titular-Oberst Pantaleon Ritter Lendl von Murgthal |
V.Armee-Corps |
Commanding General | GM. Gabriel Freiherr von Rodich |
Chief of Staff | Oberst Joseph Gallina |
Artillery Chief | Oberst Carl Winterstein |
Brigade Bauer | Oberst Ferdinand Bauer |
19.Jäger-Bataillon | Major Anton Freiherr von Lempruch |
Inft.-Rgt. Ritter von Benedek Nr.28 | Obstlt. Friedrich Ritter von Bouvard |
Inft.-Rgt. Baron Nagy Nr.70 | Obst. Franz Carl Freiherr von Leonhardi |
4pfd. Fuss-Batterie Nr.3/V |
Brigade Möring | GM. Carl Möring |
21.Jäger-Bataillon | Obstlt. Ferdinand Ritter von Perger |
Inft.-Rgt. Erzherzog Leopold Nr.53 | Obst. Hermann Freiherr Dahlen von Orlaburg |
Inft.-Rgt. Baron Grueber Nr.54 | Obst. Eduard Freiherr von Herbert-Ratkeal |
4pfd. Fuss-Batterie Nr.4/V | |
Brigade Piret | GM. Eugen Freiherr Piret de Bihain |
5.Kaiser-Jäger-Bataillon | Major Lukas Nobile de Giorgi |
Inft.-Rgt. Grossherzog von Baden Nr.50 | Obst. Carl Schwaiger |
Inft.-Rgt. Graf Folliot Nr.75 | Obst. Emanuel Freiherr Henniger von Eberg |
Husz.-Rgt. Kaiser Franz Josef Nr.1, 1., 3., 4., 5. Escadron | Oberst Alexander Rigyitsky de Skrbestje |
Uhl.-Rgt. König beider Sicilien Nr.12, 4., 6. Escadron | Oberst Friedrich von Berres |
4pfd. Fuss-Batterie Nr.2/V | |
Corps Geschütz-Reserve: 4 pfd Fuss.Batterie Nr.5, 4 pfd Cavall.BatterieNr.7 & 8 pfd Fuss.Batterie Nr.10 of 5.Art.-Rgt. | |
VII.Armee-Corps |
Commanding General | FML. Joseph Freiherr Maroičić di Madonna del Monte |
Chief of Staff | Oberst Franz Ritter von Littrow |
Artillery Chief | Oberst Franz Ritter von Hübl |
Brigade Töply | Oberst Johann Töply von Hohenvest |
7.Jäger-Bataillon | Major Anton Ritter Mayer von Monte |
Inft.-Rgt. Baron von Alemann Nr.43 | Obst. Sebald Czappek |
Inft.-Rgt. Erzherzog Ludwig Victor Nr.65 | Obst. Carl Lauber |
4pfd. Fuss-Batterie Nr.1/VII | |
Brigade Scudier | GM. Anton Freiherr von Scudier |
10.Jäger-Bataillon | Major Leopold Dobner von Dobenau |
Inft.-Rgt. Erzherzog Rudoph Nr.19 | Obst. Adolph Rath |
Inft.-Rgt. Erzherzog Ernst Nr.48 | Obst. Ferdinand Bauer |
4pfd. Fuss-Batterie Nr.2/VII | |
Brigade Welserheimb | Oberst Otto Graf Welserheimb |
3.Kaiser-Jäger-Bataillon | Major Joseph Strehle |
Inft.-Rgt. Grossherzog von Mecklenburg-Strelitz Nr.31 | Obst. Anton Dormus |
Inft.-Rgt. Baron von Paumgartten Nr.76 | Obst. Anton Freiherr von Kleudgen |
4pfd. Fuss-Batterie Nr.3/VII | |
Corps Geschütz-Reserve: 4 pfd Fuss.Batterie Nr.4, 4 pfd Cavall.BatterieNr.7 & 8 pfd Fuss.Batterie Nr.9 of 7.Art.-Rgt. | |
IX.Armee-Corps |
Commanding General | FML. Ernst Hartung |
Chief of Staff | Oberstlieutenant Ludwig Ritter von Pielsticker |
Artillery Chief | Oberstlieutenant Joseph Müller |
Brigade Kirchsberg | GM. Carl Manger von Kirchsberg |
23.Jäger-Bataillon | Obst. Edmund Salomon von Friedberg |
Inft.-Rgt. Baron von Maroičić Nr.7 | Obst. Aldobrand Wallenweber |
Inft.-Rgt. Graf Thun-Hohenstein Nr.29 | Obst. David Gyurits-Vitész de Sokolgrada |
4pfd. Fuss-Batterie Nr.5/VII | |
Brigade Weckbecker | GM. Hugo Ritter von Weckbecker |
4.Kaiser-Jäger-Bataillon | Major Ladislaus Weiss |
Inft.-Rgt. König Ludwig von Bayern Nr.5 | Obst. Conrad Mederer von Mederer und Wuthwher |
Inft.-Rgt. Herzog von Braganza Nr.39 | Obst. Wilhelm Freiherr Bibra von Gleicherwiesen |
4pfd. Fuss-Batterie Nr.2/VIII | |
Brigade Böck | Oberst Carl Freiherr von Böck |
15.Jäger-Bataillon | Major Eduard Reisp |
Inft.-Rgt. König Wilhelm der Niederlande Nr.63 | Obst. Peter Ritter von Petrowicz |
Inft.-Rgt. Grossherzog von Toscana Nr.66 | Obst. Georg Syrbu |
4pfd. Fuss-Batterie Nr.1/VIII | |
Corps Geschütz-Reserve: 4 pfd Fuss.Batterie Nr.6, 4 pfd Cavall.BatterieNr.8 & 8 pfd Fuss.Batterie Nr.10 of 7.Art.-Rgt. | |
Infanterie-Reserve-Division | |
Commanding General | GM. Heinrich Rupprecht von Virtsolog |
Chief of Staff | Oberstlieutenant Ferdinand Ritter von Franz |
Brigade Weimar | Oberst Gustav Prinz zu Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach |
36.Jäger-Bataillon | |
Inft.-Rgt. Graf Degenfeld Nr.36 | Oberst Carl Ritter von Bienerth |
4. Bat. Inft.-Rgt. Baron Maroičić Nr.7 | |
4. Bat. Inft.-Rgt. Baron Paumgarten Nr.76 | |
4pfd. Fuss-Batterie Nr.6/V | |
Brigade Benko | GM. Anton Freiherr Benko von Boinik |
37.Jäger-Bataillon | |
Inft.-Rgt. Prinz Hohenlohe Nr.17 | Oberst Alexander Graf Attems, Freiherr auf Heiligenkreuz |
Grenz-Inft.-Rgt. Deutsch-Banater Nr.12 | Oberst Peter Bigga |
8pfd. Fuss-Batterie Nr.9/V | |
Cavallerie-Reserve under Oberst Ludwig Pulz | |
Brigade Pulz | Oberst Ludwig Pulz |
Uhl.-Rgt. Graf Trani Nr.13, 1., 2., 5., 6. Escadrons | Oberst Maximilian Ritter von Rodakowsky |
Husz.-Rgt. Fürst Liechtenstein Nr.13, 3., 4., 5., 6. Escadrons | Oberst Ladislaus Graf Szápáry |
Husz.Rgt. Kaiser Franz Josef Nr.1, 1., 3., 4., 5. Escadrons | Oberst Alexander Rigyitsky de Skrbestje |
4pfd. Cavallerie-Batterie Nr.8/V | |
Brigade Bujanovics | Oberst August Bujanovics von Agg-Telek |
Uhl.-Rgt. Sicilien Nr.12, 1., 2. Escadrons | Oberst Friedrich von Berres |
Husz.-Rgt. Prinz Württemberg Nr.11, 2., 5., 6. Escadrons | Oberst Joseph Török von Erdöd |
Husz.Rgt. Prinz Carl von Bayern Nr.3, 1., 3., 4.. Escadrons | Oberst Julius Gradwohl |
4pfd. Cavallerie-Batterie Nr.8/V |