The Austro-Hungarian Land Forces as at August 1914-1918
following overview of the forces available in August 1914 is taken from Volume
Four of the official Austro-Hungarian history of the First World War. The
original document was entitled "Tabellen zur Entwicklung der öst.-ung.
Wehrmacht vom Kriegsbeginn bis Anfang Mai 1916" and showed the expansion of
forces from the outbreak of war until the beginning of May 1916. This article
shall merely deal with the section pertaining to August 1914. The left hand
columns will give the original German designations followed by an approximate
English equivalent. The notes that relate to each entry will be found in the
right hand column.
Corps, Divisions and Brigades
Unit | English Equivalent | Notes |
18 Korps |
Army Corps | Nr I to XVII plus Armeegruppe Kummer. |
50 Infanteriedivisionen | Infantry Divisions | Nr 1 to 48 then 95 and 106 LstID. |
93 Infanteriebrigaden im Divisionsverband | 93 Infantry Brigades within Infantry Divisions | Nr 3 to 92 (less 6, 35 & 36), 96, 121, 122, LstIBrig. Nr 1, 35, 36, 40, 93, 97, 100 - 105, 107 - 112 and four named after their commander: Obst. Pfeifer, Obst. Piasecki, GM. WojtÄ•chowský & Obst. Rochel. |
19 Infanteriebrigaden außer Divisionsverband | 19 Independent Infantry Brigades |
ditto |
9 Gebirgsdivisionen im Divisionsverband | 9 Mountain Brigades within Infantry Divisions | Nr 1 to 14. |
5 Gebirgsdivisionen außer Divisionsverband | 5 Independent Mountain Brigades |
ditto |
14 Marschbrigaden | 14 March Brigades | Nr 1 to 14. Disbanded in September 1914. |
5 Landsturmmarschbrigaden | 5 Second Line March Brigades | Nr 1 to 5. Formed September 14 and disbanded the following month. |
11 Kavalleriedivisionen | 11 Cavalry Divisions | - |
22 Kavalleriebrigaden | 22 Cavalry Brigades | Nr 1 to 24 less 2 & 12. |
17 k.k.Landsturmterritorialbrigaden | 17 Second Line Territorial Brigades | Nr 1 to 17. Formed September 1914 and disbanded during 14/15. |
9 k.u. Landsturmetappenbrigaden | 9 Royal Hungarian Line of Communications Brigades | Nr 1 to 9. Formed September 1914 and disbanded during 14/15. |
44 Feldartilleriebrigaden | 44 Field Artillery brigades | With the number of their Infantry Division. The 1., 18., 47., 48.ID., 95. & 106.LstID. did not have Field Artillery Brigades. |
5 Festungsartilleriebrigaden | 5 Fortress Artillery Brigades | Nr 1 to 5. |
102 k.u.k. Infanterieregimenter | 102 Common Army Infantry Regiments | 408 battalions |
4 Tiroler Kaiserjägerregimenter | 4 Tyrolean Rifle Regiments | 13 battalions. 2.KJR with 4 remainder with 3 |
4 bh. Infanterieregimenter | 4 Bosnian-Hercegovinian Infantry Regts | 15 battalions. bh.IR.4 with 3 remainder with 4 |
29 Feldjägerbataillone | 29 Rifle Battalions | 29 Battalions. Numbers 1-32 minus 3, 15 & 18 |
1 bh. Feldjägerbataillon | 1 Bosnian-Hercegovinian Rifle Battalion | - |
1 bh. Reservebataillon | 1 Bosnian-Hercegovinian Reserve Battalion | - |
6 Grenzjägerkompagnien | 6 Border Rifle Companies | 1½ battalions |
37 k.k. Landwehr Infanterieregimenter | 37 Austrian Landwehr Infantry Regiments | 113 battalions. LIR.23 with 2, LIR.4 with 5, LIR.27 with 4, remainder with 3 |
3 k.k. Landesschützenregimenter | 3 Mountain Rifle Regiments | 16 battalions. Nr. I with 6, Nr. II & III with 5 |
32. k.u. Landwehr Infanterieregimenter | 32 Hungarian Landwehr Infantry Regiments | 97 battalions. LIR.19 with 4, remainder with 3 |
40 k.k. Landsturminfanterieregimenter | 40 Austrian Second Line Infantry Regiments | 136 battalions. From 2 to 4 battalions each |
32 k.u. Landsturminfanterieregimenter | 32 Hungarian Second Line Infantry Regts | 97 battalions. K.u.LstIR.19 with 4, remainder with 3 battalions |
Total | - | 927½ battalions Plus: |
164 Marschbataillone | 164 March Battalions | Including March Companies of Feldjäger Bns |
3 Polenbataillone | 3 Polish Battalions | - |
15 Dragoneregimenter | 15 Dragoon Regiments | 90 Squadrons |
16 Husarenregimenter | 16 Hussar Regiments | 96 Squadrons |
11 Ulanenregimenter | 11 Lancer Regiments | 66 Squadrons |
6 Landwehr Ulanenregimenter | 6 Austrian Landwehr Lancer Regiments | 36 Squadrons |
1 k.k. reitende Tiroler Landesschützendivision | 1 Mounted Tyrolean Rifle Detachment | 3 Squadrons |
1 k.k. reitende Dalmatiner Landesschützendivision | 1 Mounted Dalmatian Rifle Detachment | 2 Squadrons |
10 k.u. Honvédhusarenregimenter | 10 Hungarian Landwehr Hussar Regiments | 60 Squadrons |
10 k.u. Landsturmhusarendivisionen | 10 Hungarian Second Line Hussar Detachments | 30 Squadrons |
22 KavMGAbteilungen | 22 Cavalry Machine Gun Detachments | - |
Total | - |
382 Squadrons 22 Cavalry MG Detachments |